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Photo: © Nobel Media AB/Photo/Helena Paulin-Strömberg

The legacy of Nobel: a meeting destination like no other

The legacy of Nobel: a meeting destination like no other

If you’re looking to plan a meeting in a city with a uniquely inspiring atmosphere, look no further than Stockholm. Our history of innovation goes back hundreds of years, and this forward-thinking approach is still very much part of our mindset today.

The name of one inventor arguably stands out above the rest. Swedish chemist and businessman Alfred Nobel was born in Stockholm in 1833, and to this day, his legacy is still widely celebrated throughout the city. The links between Nobel and Stockholm’s renowned spirit of innovation, entrepreneurship and academic research remain as strong as ever.

In Nobel’s will, he bequeathed a large portion of his fortune to create the Nobel Prize, which is awarded in five categories: physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, and peace. The first Nobel Prize was awarded on December 10, 1901. Today it is one of the most eminent and influential awards in the world, and it has deep roots in Stockholm.

Every December, the Nobel Laureates arrive in Stockholm to participate in a week-long program of events and festivities organized by the Nobel Foundation. The highlight of Nobel Week is the award ceremony, held on December 10, where the laureates receive the prize from Sweden’s King Carl XVI Gustaf at the Stockholm Concert Hall. The ceremony is followed by a banquet at the Stockholm City Hall, which is broadcast live to over a million viewers.

History across the city

For visitors interested in the award and its history, the city offers a wealth of Nobel-related sites, such as museums, galleries and other sites associated with the inventor. These are, of course, open all year round, so whether your meeting coincides with the Nobel Prize or is scheduled for another time of year, there are always plenty of Nobel gems to explore.

And there’s more to come. The Nobel Center, set to open in 2029, will showcase the stories of Nobel Prize laureates and provide a space for global science conferences and collaborations with industry and academia to strengthen and enrich education and research in Stockholm.

Plan a meeting in Stockholm and invite your attendees to discover Stockholm’s innovative atmosphere. Join us in the city where creativity thrives, and world-changing ideas are born.

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