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Stockholm insights

Stockholm's strenghts in Precision Health

15 minUpdated: 19 April, 2024
Karolinska InstitutetPhoto: Felix Gerlach /

The Stockholm region has a unique potential to offer exceptional opportunities in precision medicine. This rapidly growing field takes into account the unique characteristics of each patient to prevent, diagnose, treat and monitor diseases.

The Stockholm region has a unique potential to offer exceptional opportunities in precision medicine. This rapidly growing field takes into account the unique characteristics of each patient to prevent, diagnose, treat and monitor diseases.

Precision medicine takes into account the unique characteristics of each individual patient to provide tailored prevention, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. By also taking into account people's environments and lifestyles, it aims to provide specific guidance on what individuals can do to protect their own health and contributes to public health strategies to promote health and prevent disease.

Personalized healthcare is now a reality thanks to medical and technological advances, including analysis of genetic profiles and biomarkers that identify and target specific biological mechanisms that drive disease within subgroups of patients. This patient-centered approach enables more efficient drug research and development - it has already transformed oncology and has the potential to provide better treatment options for chronic and rare diseases.

Sweden has been successful in implementing precision medicine. Here, academia and the health sector are working together to create an innovative framework for developing and delivering precision diagnostics.

"With the infrastructure in place to collect large amounts of data on healthcare strategies and outcomes, I think we have a responsibility to take a lead on the development and implementation of precision health."
Anna Martling, Karolinska Institutet
Anna Martling, Professor at Karolinska Institutet
Anna Martling, Karolinska Institutet
"With the infrastructure in place to collect large amounts of data on healthcare strategies and outcomes, I think we have a responsibility to take a lead on the development and implementation of precision health."

Anna Martling, Professor at Karolinska Institutet

Precision Medicine Center Karolinska

Precision Medicine Center Karolinska (PMCK) is a collaboration between Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet. The center has been established to create the conditions for taking precision medicine all the way into everyday healthcare. By finding organizational solutions for the integration of diagnostics, treatment and research, precision medicine can be moved closer to healthcare and thus closer to the patient.

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